If you are looking for Mother Of Pearls Works than you came to the right place, KGN Exports House is a leading Mother Of pearl inlay service providers in India. We can deliver top-notch Mother of pearl marble Inlay Work, mother of pearl Tiles, mother of pearl inlay in wood, mother of pearl wash basin, mother of pearl mirror frames, mother of pearl borders, mother of pearl wall panels, mother of pearl table top and many more. we can provide our services all over the World. Mother of pearl is the shell of mollusks such as mussels and oysters as well as of pseudopods (such as snails), though if we were to refer to it only as "shell" we would be slighting this amazing creation of Almighty. When the young of these creatures come into the world they start their struggle to live. Up to a point, they need shelter, a house, in order to preserve their tiny existence, the reason being that they have many enemies. They undertake this business with a secret God-given force, and create the walls of their housing by means of layer upon layer of inexhaustible secretions, ensuring the harmonious continued growth of its house together with itself. The beautiful shining, playful part reflected light of mother of pearl has attracted the attention of human beings since the beginning of the world.. Though mother of pearl is quite widespread around the world, its assumption of the aspect of a magnificent branch of the arts after a past of many centuries began when it came into the hands of the Mughal Empire in India. In the Mughal Empire mother of pearl is widely used in marble inlay, furniture wall panels etc We have wide range of customized product, designed and Pattern as per client requirement.